Georgia Maxfield

I am so excited to be a part of the team at WGG!
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. When I was little, I made my friends and family endure writing lessons and maths tests, which I would enthusiastically tick and cover in stickers. I have been a teacher for the past eleven years and have taught Prep, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. Last year I was awarded The Educator Magazine’s Rising Star Award.
My husband Ben is also a teacher. He teaches Physical Education in Kindy to Year 12 at Canterbury College (where I also worked for the past 5 years). We have a 2 year old daughter who is the happiest little girl. Together we love to go on picnics, swim in the pool, spend time with family and friends and go on adventures in our little camper.
I believe that children learn through exploration, discovery and play. Children are more actively engaged in learning when it is child-centred and provides opportunities for them to create, imagine, and investigate matters that they have a genuine interest in.
The students in my class drive my enthusiasm and passion for teaching every day and their energy and curiosity reinforces why I love my job!